Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

traveling part 2

We stayed at the Cooks Sunday night and got to see some of Josh's siblings and the little cousins. It was a normal night for the kids: While I tried to make sure Aggie didn't fall off the trampoline and Marcus didn't fall into the river, Seth got in a scooter wreck and was stung by a bee! (He's fine!) I wonder if a body ever runs out of adrenaline? Mine has to be about used up!

The kids spent the evening eating marshmallows and getting filthy, and so went to bed exhausted and happy.

Soon it was time for goodbyes...

Lorraine, Seth, and Marcus are staying with Grammy and Bump for now. As busy as we are at the hospital with Aggie and Eldon, we sure miss our other three!
It always amazes me how my arms just ache for the children that are away!

Don't worry Marcus, we will be back for you soon! (I like to pretend that's what he was sad about, not that we made him put down his snack to take a picture!)

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