Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

a quick update

I only have a few minutes before we head to the MRI room, but I wanted to give a quick update. We made it here just fine, really like Aggie's doctor- she spent over an hour with us this morning getting all the details, and Aggie even showed her a seizure :) She seems extremely intelligent and ready to tackle this problem, and she also listened to us intently. She noticed a new detail too- Aggie has trouble hopping on her left foot- this could indicate the 'benign' spot in her brain is affecting her motor skills some.

As she explained, the upcoming tests will decide three things:
1. Is surgery possible? (Will it work?)
2. It is safe? (where is the trouble spot in relation to other things?)
3. Is it warranted? (Dr. Wyllie said based on the severity of her epilepsy, we already know this answer is most definitely yes.)

Aggie is hanging in there- I guess today it is a good thing that her constant seizures make her somewhat tired and unaware of what's going on... she's quietly watching TV right now as we wait for her MRI. The rough parts for her are still to come- the IV poke for sedation, then the application of the leads for the EEG and PET scan. She knows this but doesn't dwell on it... as we walked out of the doctor's office this morning she entertained the people in the waiting room with several rounds of "zippa-de-do-da, zippa de ay! My oh my what a wonderful day!" What a kid!

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