Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


We just met with the doctor, and we intend to go ahead with surgery in the near future. They will remove that spot from her Rt. Parietal lobe. The doctor does not believe it is malignant, (though they will check) but she does believe it is causing her problems. The EEG shows epilepsy coming from all over, not just at this spot as a focal point, so this makes the outcome of surgery a little more uncertain... but as the doctor said, "We have had too much success in these kinds of cases not to do the surgery." She guesses a 65-70% likelyhood that this will stop her seizures.

We still need to do her PET scan (tomorrow) and record some more seizures on the EEG, but we expect to be done with testing on friday. Depending on lots of things, surgery could be as early as next week.

My greatest fear for Aggie was that surgery would not be an option and they could do nothing to help. My second greatest fear is probably surgery!

I am doing alright if I can keep myself in the present and not get overwhelmed by thoughts about what is to come... I find He provides plenty of strength for the present moment... and that is enough. So we are taking one step at a time, and clinging to the Lord's hand to keep from freaking out!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

I'll continue praying!!!!