Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

little girls!!!!

Today, I get to play dress up with two sweet little Vanderkids!

So fun!

I love that they love "buddies..."

and they DON'T just use them to whack each other...

and they love to pose for pictures!

Deandra is always smiling!

This is Enola's "cheese" face. Hilarious!

It was so nice to relive some of those little-girl photo-shoot days!

Aw, Aggie.
She always had that big smile too.

She mothered her stuffed animals even before she had siblings!


Erin said...

Lorraine's FEET. They are so cute, I can't even stand it.

Kat said...

those little ones are cute tell the family i said hi