I am so glad that God hears my cries and does not seem to get tired of my requests for strength, patience, safety for Aggie, and help of all kinds. He sent person after person into our lives this week with encouragement, help, and even meals! I do not know how we would be surviving without our friends and church family looking after us like they are. We may be way down at the end of our rope, but we are definitely cared for down here!
Monday we went with Josh's parents to Brown County State Park, and Aggie was more like herself than she has been in... I don't know how long. She is still having seizures, but on Monday they were short and less frequent, and she spent the day flitting around like a humming bird with her huge Aggie smile on her face.
a blessing of enormous worth to this weary family.
Could this be the new medicine kicking in or was it just a good day? Will the medicine keep working next week if it works this week? I don't know, and I almost want to guard against hope for fear of disappointment. But that is not right either, so I just pray constantly and keep on doing what is in front of me. There is enough work and worry to keep me busy today- but on this day there is also a joyful Aggie to flutter around with me.
Thank You Lord for that uneventful, normal day. My heart sure needed that.
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