Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Grandma boot camp stage 2 day 2

You will receive a special “Potty Pal” doll in the mail. This one has been programmed to scream “I HAVE TO GO POTTY!!!!!” every 20-60 minutes throughout the day. When you hear this scream, drop what you are doing and rush the doll to the potty. If you do not comply in 60 seconds, you will discover the “power sprayer” feature of the doll.

Continue to respond to the Nana parrot, break up fights, and do your exercises throughout the day!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

It's amazing to me how much like your mom YOU look and how much like YOU Lorraine looks!!!!! WOW!! Save for the style of clothes you can hardly tell that's you and your mom in the photo rather than you and Lorraine! How you doing?