Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy First Birthday Eldon!

To my little Eldon-

Has it really been a whole year since our first snuggly day in the hospital? I remember before you had the energy to be so spunky, when you would simply curl up and sleep on me for hours on end!

Your siblings adored you from the moment you were born, though it took them a little while to learn your name. For awhile they called you Alvin (they had recently watched Alvin and the Chipmunks!) and I even heard Marcus call you Elmo a few times!
It has been one of the most tumultuous years in our family's history! Your big sister Aggie began having seizures while I carried you, and her medical problems overwhelmed our lives for many months after you were born. Yet God helped you to grow, blessed you with perfect health, and sent you to our family right in the midst of all the chaos.

You have been such a picture of life and health and vigor- I cannot explain to you how much your simple, small presence encouraged me through this very difficult year. I cannot remember how many times I was at my lowest and simply wanted to hide away to have a pity party, yet you demanded feeding and cuddling. I often began those jobs with a sigh, but ended with a grateful tear and a prayer of thanksgiving as you fell asleep on my chest. Holding you while you slept, listening to your breath and marveling at your perfect little body, I know God sent you to me to remind me of His power and goodness.

I remember when we took Aggie to Cleveland for tests and eventually surgery, I kept you close by my side then, too. You gave me something to do with my hands, and an excuse to get out of the hospital and out in the sun now and then. I remember escaping to the hospital courtyard once, laying down in the grass with you on my stomach. Stress and tears leaked out of my eyes, but as we lay there in the sunshine. I was soothed by your sleepy snores, and I napped with you there.
You left behind the snuggly stage as soon as you possibly could, and became incredibly jumpy and giggly and active. By five months you had three teeth (!) and now, at age one, you have a mouth full! There is almost nothing you cannot chew right now: including dog food and a dried up earthworm (once!)

Enola Vandercar is your little buddy two days a week. I am constantly grabbing my camera when she is around you- for some reason you both are even cuter than normal when you are doing things together!

It has been a noisy first year, particularly because you simply have SO many strong opinions that you need to tell us all about. You absolutely must sleep on your side sucking two fingers. You must have a blanket, and it must be a soft one. You like yogurt but hate pasta or anything slimy. You like swinging but HATE the stroller You liked chewing on a sippy cup but SCREAMED at the very sight of a bottle... then after a few months you completely reversed this opinion.

In some of your moods, you insist that you must be touching mommy at all times- if you were out of arm's reach for even a second, you would SCREAM BLOODY MURDER. During this stage you developed quite the grip on my left arm- I probably could walk around not even holding you and you would just hang there like a koala! So you often "worked" in the kitchen with me, where you taught me yet another opinion: you must be in arms reach AND at eye level, or, guess what, you will SCREAM BLOODY MURDER!

I often resort to handing you a spoon covered in brownie batter to make the screaming stop. You are number five... I am getting a bit tired!

Today, your birthday, you finally decided you can walk! You were in no hurry at all- a fuss or a pouty look directed towards Lorraine immediately granted you a free ride wherever you might want to go! But alas, she does go to school sometimes, and so you finally decided to try it on your own.

You are a baby who knows what you want! You have a great sense of humor and have become quite a fun little guy! You are an enormous blessing to our family!

Happy birthday little Eldon- we love you very much!


Courtney said...

Happy Birthday, Eldon!
Love to you (and your brothers and sisters) :)

Mary said...

1 year old already!! Happy Birthday, Eldon!! Beautiful post, Emily!! You are such a talented writer and a wonderful mom :-)

Ann H. said...

Happy birthday, Eldon! What a cute picture of him in his birthday boy bib!