Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Monday, August 10, 2009

"Seth did it" and other news...

Aggie had her post-surgery checkup today and everything is looking good! She did have one weird "spell" this weekend- she got very dizzy and uncoordinated, complained of a tummy ache and just wanted to go to bed. We don't think it was a seizure- after she slept she was fine again. Though I admit I was a little panicky, now I am pretty sure it was nothing. She had been fighting the stomach flu so it probably had something to do with that. The doctor was very pleased with how she's doing (he even hugged her when he saw her!) and this she is ready to begin a very gradual medication wean- YAY!

AND another exciting thing (for her mama) She got her blood drawn today and did it WITHOUT screaming! Way to go, brave little Peter Pan! Funny though, she was not so tough this morning when I was brushing her hair. "MOMMY you are brushing on my owie!!!" she said as she cried and held her head with a pathetic look on her face. "Honey," I said, "Your owie is on the other side." "Oh." (suppressing a smile.)

In other news... Seth enjoys contradicting everything today. (No I don't! I can just hear him!) "Here's some chocolate milk for you honey!" I don't like chocolate milk! "Ok then let's go outside" Nooooo i want some chocolate milk! Meanwhile Marcus has a mild cold and so is a little clingy today, but he still has enough energy to say his new favorite phrase: "Seth did it." He says it over and over, even when he's just walking down the hall talking to himself.... "Seth did it. Seth did it." And Lorraine is my little princess, my helper, my big girl who can't wait for school. She helped me bring Eldon to the doctor today and then we went to Walmart so she could spend her tooth fairy money.

Eldon also had his 4 month well check today. He is doing great, the doctor said he's at a six month level for his development in fine motor skills, gross motor skills, AND verbal skills! He said he won't be at all surprised if he is CRAWLING by his six month check up! So of course when we left the doctor's I immediately went to the store to buy a baby restraint to put an end to this nonsense- I am not ready for ANOTHER mobile little person! I didn't know they made such things, but it's really kind of neat.. It's kind of like a tiny straight jacket with Mickey Mouse characters on it.. he doesn't like it yet but I think he will get used to it. Ok I am kidding- were you worried? :)


Ann H. said...

Seth's contradiction sounds like what goes on here all the time. I think Kyle might not quite understand the difference between "I want" and "I don't want." Or he does, yet doesn't know how to express himself. He'll scream and throw a tantrum about something: "I don't want to wear that shirt!!!" Then when I say, "OK, quiet down and you can pick a different one," He'll say, very vehemently, "I want to wear that shirt!"

lepleyfamily said...

Great to hear the good news about Aggie:) Very exciting! Hope Lorraine is enjoying her time as a first grader in Mary Anne's classroom.