Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy 4th birthday Marcus!

Marky Malarky,

We've made it to another milestone, son!

 You, with the constant drive to break stuff (including your own head), and me, with the constant responsibility to try to stop you-- we've made it four whole years!

The other day I took you and your brothers to Mill Race for a walk/bike ride.  As you and Seth started down an enormous hill, I yelled, "Boys, be careful!"  You looked back at me with a huge smile and shouted, "I never be careful!"  Then you careened down the hill, laughing all the way, completely missed the turn, and rolled your bike into the grass.  Judging by your huge smile, that crash was your favorite part of the day!

You like to be seen as a manly man.  "Popeye" was your nickname for a few months, and you even ate fresh spinach out of the garden for the sake of your big muscles.   Your love Spiderman and Superman, and you tell me you want to be a Rescue Hero when you grow up.  For now, though, you are living in your favorite movie, How to Train Your Dragon.  In fact, that has become your new nickname-- not dragon, but the whole title-- How to Train Your Dragon.  It is quite a mouthful!  I think you will have to accept a shorter name to write on your papers when you go to Kindergarten!

Just to harass you like you harass me, I sometimes pretend I forget your nickname.  Instead, I call you "My sweet little dragon baby," or "Little Marcy dragy-poo."  You are still insist not only that you are not a baby now, but that you never even were a baby!  Just a little baby-talk from your "Mommy" makes you bonkers!   It makes me glad that you do not know about the Incredible Hulk!

You like to jump on my back to start wrestling matches.  Today I had to teach you some safety rules about that.  I said, "It's not ok to jump on my back when I am holding a baby in one hand and a camera in the other," and, "just because I am on my knees doesn't mean it is wrestle time!" and of course, "Marcus! Look before you jump!"

The Mohawk is the perfect hairstyle for you, son.  Of all the kids, I think you are the one that moves me to laughter, fear, and prayer the most!

Happy fourth birthday, How to Train Your Dragon!
We love you!

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