Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

just CHILL.

Eldon, my dear little Eldon....
Really, you just cannot live your life acting like every bug, every conflict, every idea in your head, every time you need a drink, every airplane sighting, every neat thing you see out the window, every SINGLE thing is a five alarm, full blown, EMERGENCY- a let's call the National Guard CRISIS!

It is simply unsustainable, my dear.

If we are to survive these preschool days, we have got to find a way to help you chill out.

Perhaps a nap?

Everythings-a-crisis attitude might be fixed by a nap, right?
So I laid him down early, and enjoyed a half hour of peace while the big kids swam.  Then we sat down for a snack, and as we were eating, we see Eldon coming outside- naked, and covered in pen.

Of course, to him, that was not a crisis.

1 comment:

Melrose said...

LOL!!! This is my second born. He's newly 3. And everything is in full volume and must. be. responded. to. NOW!!! The pen thing, yea, that would be the result if I attempted to put him down for a nap too :D