Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Counting some blessings

My babies, here are a few of my favorite things about each of you right at this moment.

I love how well you are doing with the piano.
I love that you bought a new volleyball with your birthday money.
I love what a helper you are to me with the littler kids- I even got to run on the treadmill yesterday afternoon thanks to you!
I love sharing inside jokes with you.

I love your constant-picture making for everyone.
I love that you were so excited to give Lorraine her birthday present that you nagged me like crazy until I let you give it to her: ten days early.
I love that you just read an entire Magic Tree House book to yourself.
I love that your short hair gives you less trouble with tangles like you hoped.

I love that you ask me questions all the time, and that you love to stump me.
I love when you explain mechanical and scientific things to me.
I love that the excitement of Disney made you skip with me!
I love that you have become a great swimmer!

I love the laughter that you bring to this family.
I love that trouble-making sparkle in your eye, even though it scares me!
I love when you tell me you prayed for Peter because he’s sick, and then you try to cheer him up by letting him knock you over.
I love when you finally pass out in bed, sitting up.

I love how excited you get when you see your blanket- it’s like you are reuniting with an old friend!
I love how badly you want to be a “big boy” all of a sudden!
I love that the way you say “Marcus” sounds like “Yarcus.”
I love when you run to hug  me and we tip over.

I love that you are FINALLY saying “mama!”
I love when you are happy to go to bed: you giggle when I tuck you and you blow me kisses!
I love that you still sometimes like to snuggle to sleep on me.
I love how your dimples can always make me so happy.


Leah said...

Believe it or not I just found this blog through The Church Year in the Home Blog. I didn't know you had this one too! I love the pictures of your kids on the side bar. Beautiful!

Emily Cook said...

Welcome, Leah, to the blog where I self indulgently showcase my children! :)