You are still girly as girly can be! One afternoon you girls came into my room in fancy headbands with stuff on their lips and smelling "very pretty." "Mommy, we had 'spray time.' " you said, explaining how much you like the gifts you received from your Aunt Amy. Funny how a girl who has never seen her mother have any kind of a "primping session" seems to intuitively know what one is and how to do it! I have to admit you make me want to try to be a girl sometimes, which is why I set the table for your birthday meal like this:
What is ironic about this, is your requested birthday dinner. CHEESEBURGERS and TATER TOTS with lots and lots of catsup! Preceeded by Resees dessert, and followed by milkshakes!
You have become a fantastic babysitter. Marcus is still your little buddy, but time spent with him is no longer tickling and wrestling but playing or even reading together. You adore Eldon and love entertaining him. He actually calls you "mama" sometimes! You buckle Eldon and Marcus in the van for me, and you sometimes even get Eldon dressed! To be sure, that is a workout for both of you, but it usually gets done in under a half hour!
It has been a challenge to get you to say "no" to Eldon when he is too demanding or screaming to get when he wants (often!) I say, "Honey, it's ok to walk away from him when he acts like that. You have to tell him NO sometimes!" You sigh in frustration and insist, "But mommy, he's just too cute!"
You fell in love with baby Peter when he arrived this fall. You walk around the house with baby Peter on your hip, knowing just what to do to keep him happy.
You, Aggie, and I had our first taste of Camp Lakeview last summer. You both absolutely loved it, and you are looking forward to going without your mommy and with your friends for the first time this summer. I will never forget that Sunday morning when I let you go swimming before church. Afterwards, you and Aggie kept on begging for "just five more minutes" in the warm showers. I left you there to get your clothes for you, and when I returned you were both singing in the showers at the top of your lungs! For some reason, you deny this, but I know it was not Aggie that started that Hannah Montana song!
This year you got an apron from your Aunt Jeannie for Christmas, and ever since then you have been working hard to learn how to cook and bake. You can do pancakes with no help, and also know how to make burgers and muffins. Sometimes you even serve cereal to the kids on weekends so your mom and dad can sleep in!
You are growing up so quickly! I sometimes see glimpses of what you will be like as a teenager, and even (Lord-willing) as a mommy! I can no longer leave my IPOD unsupervised when you are around. You know what a text is, you love talking on the phone, and you even email your grandmothers now and then! But then I recall New Years Eve, when you and friends got carried away with noisemakers at Aunt Mary Anne's house, and thought the kissing you saw on TV in Times Square was totally GROSS! I am glad we still have some childhood left to enjoy together.
May God continue to grow your faith towards Him and your love for others as you blossom into a little woman!
Happy eighth birthday, young lady!
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