Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Friday, July 30, 2010

squeezing in summer fun!

School is quickly approaching, so we are trying to squeeze in some last-minute summer fun!

Last night we had a bonfire!
The kids loved watching daddy burn the brush pile!
(Which daddy made a month or more ago when
he got his cool new chainsaw!)
The wood was still a bit green so we will probably have
another bonfire next month to finish it off!

I got the following idea from Family Fun magazine-
of course my artsy girls appreciated it the most!

Our dining room table is covered in craft paper and beautiful pictures for as
long as they will last- what fun!

An unexpected side benefit- the kids, even the boys, are motived to
be significantly neater when eating their meals
so that they don't ruin the pictures!
We have actually gone two entire meals without spilled milk!

White creek is bursting with wildlife! Lorraine played with this injured butterfly for awhile before relasing it (she realized it needed to be free to stay safe from little Eldon!)
Other visitors to the yard lately include lizards and frogs (also caught and relased by the kids), fawns, raccoons, and even a skunk that wound up in the racoon trap!

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