Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Monday, January 11, 2010

One test down...

Sad to say, when they got to the hotel last night they found out the pool was broken! Poor Aggie just can't get a break! It is supposed to be fixed by tonight- I sure hope it is for Aggie's sake!

Unlike last time, she is aware enough to get a little nervous and emotional about the whole thing, especially when she is sleep deprived! So this morning before the MRI was a little rough according to daddy, but she sounded just fine when I talked to her just a few minutes ago. She was all excited telling me about the fun she had eating ice cubes at the hotel last night! I asked her, "Did you go to the hospital today?" She said, "Yeah I go'ded to the hospital... and daddy turned on the TV there and Handy Manny was on! And then Handy Manny got over and THEN Mickey Mouse was on! And THEN Mickey Mouse got over and another show was on!" She didn't even mention the MRI- thank God for powerful medicine!

Her belly is now happily full of pancakes, and she's going back to hotel to do who knows what until the next test- the EEG- at 1:30 (eat ice chips probably!)

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