Giving Thanks (inspired by)

Thanks be to God, Father, Son and Spirit, for the abundance of good things he pours on His children.
We are but few, but His blessings are many.

Friday, May 9, 2008


This is a time of emptying for me. There are so many people to say goodbye to, so many things that I will miss. While I know that our family is going exactly where God wants us to go, and I trust His plans for our future, that doesn't make goodbyes any easier. It seems the closer the friend or family member, the harder it is to trust God to fill up what is lacking when we leave. Sadness and grief are undercurrents of everything right now.

Dear Lord,
Be my strength during this time of grief and change. There are those here that I love that have needs I will not be able to meet when I am away- instead of trusting you to make up the difference I struggle to hold on to them, or I pretend nothing is changing. Lord, your grace is my hope for myself; help me to remember it is also my hope for those I love. Amen


Mark, Gretchen and Kendrick said...

You opened the "tear gates" once again with this post. As I think about your "goodbyes" in MI, I can't help but think of all your happy "hellos" in Columbus!! You are going to be an AWESOME pastors wife!!!! Love you!

Adams Clan said...

Things you will love about Columbus. In particular order.

Warmer longer, shorter winters.

Oktoberfest in Seymour, believe me!

When the time changes,and if you can pick up Kentucky channels, you can watch your favorite show at 8pm and then again at 9!!

Camp Lakeview

Lots and lots and lots of great Lutherans!!

Outlet malls with in an easy drive.